Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Top Nine Ways to Create Your Personal Brand

  1. Social Media Platforms - There are countless options. Choose three and use them regularly. I prefer Facebook, LinkedIn, and Blogger. All are free; all are powerful.
  2. Privacy Settings - Use the options and controls in social media to determine who sees what. Some information or pictures are just for friends. Others are for the public. Still others are for professionals.
  3. Focus - Just like limiting social media to three platforms, focus on one or two topics. These topics may be posts for your blog, articles you choose to share, or conversations you decide to join. This will help set you up as a thought leader in your field, and it is actually easier to write about one thing than multiple things (according to Deckers and Lacy; source 5). For example, it would be exhausting to discuss all aspects of study abroad -- pre-departure, cultural immersion, language, shock, travel, safety, etc. However, if you decide to focus on Marketing Ur Experience, the BAM! You can write a book, create a blog, give a presentation, and get a million dollars. (okay, not that last one, but the rest are true...)
  4. Maintenance - You can set-up LinkedIn in a day. But it takes activity to make it truly work for you. Be sure to engage with someone or something (links; articles) a few times a week on your chosen social media sites.
  5. Create Content - You have platforms with your background information. You are engaging other users. Now it is time to add to the conversation. Find something you are passionate about, write a few paragraphs, and post it. Another way to create content is to comment on other posts.
    Again, find what interests you.
  6. Don't Be So Serious - "There is no one alive who is youer than you." -Dr. Seuss. Be yourself and have some fun. That is how your brand will shine.
  7. Question Authority - The fast is that many articles and posts about your interests already exist. That doesn't mean they are right. Question the way things are. When everyone is going left, try going right. Know your competition and find our what you different. (Source 5)
  8. Persist - Nothing happens overnight.
  9. Network - Always. Everywhere. Make connections before you need to make connections. They will come in handy later, I promise. Shake hands, say "damn glad to meet ya" and most importantly remember names. 

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